Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Erb Week of Adventures

Last week my Uncle Steve, Aunt Arlene, and cousins Kendell and Brooke made the 13 hour trek from Medford, Oregon to visit us in Draper...and we played hard the whole week! The majority of our time was spent in the pool trying to decide who could dive, stand on the floaties and do the most impressive tricks (which in Meechys case resulted in funny falling incidents) the best (yep, we're just a LITTLE must run in our genes) but we also sat around the fire telling stories and jokes with funny boys in pink cowgirl hats, went on a hiking trip at Snowbird that was responsible for our inability to walk for 3 days, watched Brian Reagan (need we say more?), went to Moab for some Southern Utah fun, and of course put in some time shopping in Salt Lake City at the Gateway. We laughed pretty much the entire week and just wore each other out with the late nights, fun-packed days and road trips.

Moab Hummer Trip: One of the most fun things we've ever done in Utah!

Hiking around Arches and to the Delicate Arch: (which by the way is one intense hike when done in 97 degree weather!)

And some much needed rest: