Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Love Day

Meech and I made cookies for the big Valentines Day...well...Meech made cookies. And I decorated them. My making cookies would break very strict cooking rules set up by my family.

14 Valentine Memories:

1-putting all those cute little valentines cards into the homemade boxes or envelopes at school

2-giving the boy you have a crush on the one "special" barbie valentine

3-sweet boys who "anonymously" send flowers to 9th grade girls

4-my mom for ALWAYS making valentines day breakfast or dinner for the fam

5-wearing heart pajama pants to school with my friends (the ONLY day my mom would let me wear pajama pants to school...even though they were SO cool--a big thank you to her. haha)

6-beautiful jewelry from my Dad

7-Friends who come down to my apartment and get in my bed at 2:00 in the morning to tell me her boyfriend said he loved her...you know who you are :)

8-obviously...decorating heart shaped sugar cookies

9-delivering heart shaped sugar cookies to friends

10-Those tiny little heart cinnamon candies

11-heart attacking/snow spray painting young women leaders homes

12-Rose-grams at school

13-Being asked in 3rd grade to be the cutest boy in class's valentine...&...

14-Being betrayed by my 3rd grade best friend so SHE could be his Valentine

Oh the things we do for love!

1 comment:

  1. super cute! and ohhhh boy, number seven. (at least i think that was me.) :)
