I'm looking for a way to deal with those that cheat the system. We all know them. They're pathological liars who refuse to face reality. Today at work I had a woman come to me saying the apartments next door were offering this remarkable deal--one that I can't and don't want to match. I have good reasons for this. Although it's likely no one would ever know, it ends up hurting me and those around me in the end. Don't take shortcuts! Do it right the first time. And be honest in the process of getting it done. Why can't people reach beyond themselves to see the consequences of their actions? But seriously...I'm looking for answers!
This blog should also be called: "entitlement"
What is up with people feeling entitled to EVERYTHING good and ONLY the good in the world? To them, I would like to say the following:
1-you CHOOSE to be happy or unhappy. Look for the good. I promise if you're upset with a situation, there is something you can do to change YOUR OWN PERSONAL VIEW!
2-you are not owed anything. Just because you have a difficult situation, does not mean you should be given free handouts. It's nice if they come along, but don't expect them! And don't be unhappy when you don't receive them!
3-Stop with the selfishness. Reach out. Touch someone else's life. Do good.
4-Also, the bullying has got to stop. I am so tired of people coming into my office thinking they'll bully their way out of the rules. You're not special. You're the same as everyone else. Thus, you will abide by the same rules as everyone else. No exceptions.
Now, I suppose this blog could be about me as well. I feel entitled to certain...shall we say "blessings" that have not and may not ever come along for me. I am constantly forcing myself to take a step back, reminding myself I am owed nothing. I don't live by my covenants in order to receive something in return. I do it because it's the right thing to do. Phew. So much easier to write than live at times!
But seriously people, look around and see who you can help. I promise if you want to do good you can and it will feel WAY better than getting $100 knocked off your monthly rent payment!